Backbone Hyper Model


extend (protoProps, staticProps)

Extends the Model with the following features defined via protoProps:

  • types: an object hash defining the types and attributes name which should be used for conversion when setting the values of those attributes
  • typesDeep: an deep object hash defining which deep object attributes should be converted; the individual deep properties types should be defined using Type.of(Constructor)
  • properties: an array of attribute names which are just created as native properties on the Model
protoProps Object
staticProps Object


  var Hyper = require('backbone-hyper-model');
  var Person = Hyper.Model.extend({
    types: {
      name: String,
      employed_at: Date,
      salary: Number
  var person = new Person();

  // Types are created as native properties on the Model and are converted to their specific types = 'John';
  person.employed_at = '2013-06-23 12:14:00';
  console.log(person.employed_at.getTime()); // Attribute was converted to Date
  person.salary = '123456';
  console.log(typeof person.salary); // Number
  var Hyper = require('backbone-hyper-model');
  var Person = Hyper.Model.extend({
    properties: ['gender', 'age']
  var person = new Person();

  // Properties are just created as native properties on the Model
  person.gender = 'male';
  person.age = 35;
  var Hyper = require('backbone-hyper-model');
  var Type = Hyper.Type;
  var Person = Hyper.Model.extend({
    typesDeep: {
      dates: {
        employed_at: Type.of(Date),
        other: {
          fired_at: Type.of(Date)
  var person = new Person({
    dates: {
      employed_at: '2013-06-23 12:14:00',
      other: {
        fired_at: '2014-03-16 15:25:00'

  // Deep types are only converted to their specific types
  console.log(person.get('dates').employed_at.getTime()); // Attribute was converted to Date
  console.log(person.get('dates').other.fired_at.getTime()); // Attribute was converted to Date
HyperModel.extend = function(protoProps, staticProps) {
	var BaseProto = this.prototype;

	protoProps._types = extend(true, {}, BaseProto._types || {});
	if (protoProps.types) {
		protoProps._types = extend(true, protoProps._types, protoProps.types);
		delete protoProps.types;

	protoProps._typesDeep = extend(true, {}, BaseProto._typesDeep || {});
	if (protoProps.typesDeep) {
		protoProps._typesDeep = extend(true, protoProps._typesDeep, protoProps.typesDeep);
		delete protoProps.typesDeep;

	protoProps._properties = (BaseProto._properties ? BaseProto._properties.slice() : []);
	if ( {
		protoProps._properties = protoProps._properties.concat(;

	var Model =, protoProps, staticProps);

	createNativeProperties(Model, protoProps);

	return Model;

module.exports = HyperModel;


of (ctor)

Initializer helper method

ctor Function


  var Hyper = require('backbone-hyper-model');
  var Type = Hyper.Type;
  Type.of(Date); // returns a new Type object
Type.of = function(ctor) {
	return new Type(ctor);

module.exports = Type;


propertyConflict (context, key)

Property conflict error handler

context Model Model object which triggered the error
key String The attribute key which caused the conflict
// Sorry, no example available.
exports.propertyConflict = function(context, key) {
	console.error('[backbone-hyper-model error](extend) Property ' +
		key + ' conflicts with base class members');

unknownAttribute (context, key, value)

Unknown attribute error handler

context Model Model object which triggered the error
key String The attribute key which does not have a type defined
value Mixed The value of the attribute key
// Sorry, no example available.
exports.unknownAttribute = function(context, key, value) {
	console.error('[backbone-hyper-model error](set) Attribute "' +
		key + '" has no type.', value, 'In model', context);